Ethics &
Compliance Initiative (Arlington, VA) 703-647-2185
Most professionals agree that building and maintaining a comprehensive ethics and compliance program and strong ethical culture are essential to good business. Measuring the strengths and vulnerabilities of these programs and cultures should be a critical step for every organization.
The Ethics Resource Center’s Benchmark Services team can help you design and administer an ethics survey to fit your organization. Benchmarking Services uses validated, actionable metrics based on our national research to:
- Measure “tone-at-the-top”
- Assess levels of negative pressure and misconduct
- Identify key demographic risks across the organization
- Identify risks and vulnerabilities compared against external benchmarks
Why Benchmarking Services
For nearly 10 years, Benchmarking Services has conducted surveys for leading Fortune 500 companies, governmental agencies and cities on a global scale. Our research through the National Workplace Ethics Study has given us the knowledge to ask the right questions to maximize impact for the organization.
The Benchmarking Services team is committed to making sure you ask the right questions, understand what your employees are telling you and take the appropriate actions to maximize the ethical health of your organization.
As an added benefit, data from your survey will benefit the larger community – data from your survey will be added to ERC’s ongoing research studies.